
The night is long. Sleep fails to overcome me. I squeeze my lids shut and will my body to be still, to stop fidgeting. It doesn't work. My back itches. Ignore it… ignore it… I can’t ignore it! I give in. Now my leg itches. Ugh...This is useless. I give up and open my eyes.

This is not my room.
I am not in my bed.
I’m standing.
These are... wetlands around me. The colors are muted and toned down like in a sepia picture. There’s trees with no leaves on them but they’re not dead. They’re sleeping. The air is still and completely odorless. The temperature is perfectly comfortable.
I feel good.
As soon as I think that, I feel something inside me.
What is it? I can’t name it. I can’t name where exactly it’s coming from but it’s getting stronger. It’s alarmingly unknown but I’m not scared. It feels just like the beginning of something great.
I focus on the feeling and suddenly I understand what to do. I press harder and it happens. I did it!
As I look down, it dawns on me how natural it is. I look behind me just to make sure. No, I don’t have wings. I didn't think so.
As I float higher, the feeling becomes stronger and I adore it. I feel warmth spread from my center to the very tips of my fingers. It feels like magic. Can I do more? Can I use this power for more than just floating in the air?
The answer is obvious. Yes!
I tighten my fist and look at it. Power starts emitting a bright light that escapes between my clenched fingers. I  pull back my fist as if getting ready to strike. Then I release aiming for the nearest tree. As I open my fist the exerted power is stronger than I imagined. The light is blinding me but it would be irresponsible to shut my eyes now. It's too strong for me. I need to stop. I search inside me for the switch but can't find it. The power overwhelms me. It's involuntary now. I try to close my fist or pull back my arm but it doesn't work. Fear enters my mind and changes everything.
The light disappeared.

I fell. 
I'm on the ground now. 
It's dark and I can't see anything. What happened? Why can't I see? I feel around me and gasp. The surface is hard. I'm not in the wetlands anymore, am I?
I feel something soft. A rug. Wait. Am I back in my room? Was this just a dream? It felt so real. I wish it were real. Did I fall off the bed?
Why is it so dark?
I feel around me trying to find the night stand. Where is this useless piece of shit when I need it! I got it. I touch the base of the lamp and turn it on.
I try again.
Not. A. Thing.
Maybe the power is out. Damn it, it's so dark. This is unnatural. It shouldn't be this dark.
I crawl on all fours to the wall and get to the switch. This one doesn't work either. Is the whole neighborhood in a blackout? Slowly I make my way to the window. I find it in the pitch dark but it doesn't make sense. I don't see anything. I'm moving the curtain. I press my nose to the glass. I SHOULD BE SEEING SOMETHING!
I sit on the floor with a sad resignation.
I'm blind.
What happened?
I trace back my memory. I couldn't fall asleep but then I had this awesome dream and then I fell off the bed. Did I injure myself? I touch my face, my eyelids. I inspect my head. Not. A. Thing.
I sigh.
I've been fearing this for many years. I didn't think it would be this sudden though.
I sit there by the window with my back against the wall and refuse to think about it. I don't want to start worrying and planning and reacting and panicking and... crying. NO!
So I don't think about it.
I think of nothing.
I close my eyes hoping that when I open them, they will work again.
My mind drifts away back to the comfortable feeling of the wetlands.

I look at my hand.
It looks ordinary now. This is surprising. I expected it to be charred black from the energy that blasted from it. The explosion of my power left behind a path between the trees. Totally disintegrated them. I squint into the distance and now see something that before was obscured by the trees. I can't see what it is from here.
I'm standing on the small patch of ground. I try to find the power in me again to lift myself up.
I know what to look for now and my feet rise off the ground with ease. I'm floating through the pathway I earlier created approaching the object in the distance. I'm curious now and I'm certain I'm on the right track. There's something I need to do.
In the back of my mind I feel like I'm forgetting something though.
Someone who's scared.
Scared like...

I fall and splash into the water.
It doesn't feel right and I still can't see anything.
Water is falling on me. It's all around me. I'm outside. Oh, it's raining. Now I remember. I'm blind. Wait. How did I get outside?
Where am I? All I can hear is the rain. Fear creeps under my skin and my breathing speeds up. I slowly place my foot in front of me. I carefully shuffle forward. For all I know, I could be in the middle of a road. Just an accident waiting to happen. I need to get my bearings. Where am I?
This is so wrong. I struggle internally with a decision. Should I or should I not call out for help? If I do, I could draw in attention of someone... questionable. It is night after all. At least I think it is. I'm not sure of anything anymore.
I finally find a wall. I feel it with my fingertips. It's uneven like a brick wall but at least it's something solid. I don't remember seeing anything like this in my neighborhood. For a moment I'm unsure in which direction to go, then I decide right.
My hearing is working hard to pick up any sounds. A car approaching and about to hit me. Heavy footfalls following me. Growling of a stray dog.
No. There's nothing. Just the rain. It is a very eery feeling. It doesn't feel right to not hear anything else but I'm probably just paranoid. It's probably just a quiet rainy night, that's all. Right?
I keep walking by the wall touching it with my fingertips looking for anything, an opening, a door, the end of it. It must have been fifteen minutes already since i started walking along side of it. What kind of a wall is this? It's like there's no end to it. I'm feeling cold. I'm soaked entirely and I start to shake. I speed up determined to find the end. My fingertips are hurting already from the constant scraping. Damn it! Maybe I should go back? Maybe I should have gone left? Maybe I should get to the other side of the street?
Wait. Is this even a street?
I reach my hand down to touch the asphalt.
It is not asphalt.
It's dirt. It's mud. It's squishy and cold. I move further away from the wall searching for asphalt. I'm on my knees in the mud desperately trying to find something that is not there. I'm in a state of panic now and scream, "Where the hell am I? Anybody? Can anybody hear me? Can you help me?"
My voice cracks as tears mix in with the rain drops on my face. I keep crawling forward. I finally find something coming out of the ground. I feel around it. It feels... it feels like... like a tree! Okay. A tree. I get up and continue to explore it. It's a small tree. Bare. No leaves. Weird. It's early summer. There should be leaves on it. Is it dead?
Something tickles my memory. They're not dead. They're sleeping.
Right. The dream. How much I'd rather be dreaming of the peaceful wetlands now. I close my eyes. Anywhere but here. I need to escape. Focus on the tree. Bare tree. Sepia colors. Power inside me.

I open my eyes and I'm at the edge of the wetlands.
I'm on the ground again so I reach into myself to trigger the power to float. It's easier than walking. I approach the building. Like everything else, it's a warm light brown, with beige sloping roof. Small building. Maybe a house?
Who lives here?
I'd like to say, "Hi."
I float around it looking for a door. I find it and raise my hand to knock.
I don't have to.
The door opens inviting me in and now I remember everything.
I walk in and am swallowed by the darkness as the door closes behind me.
It's dark in here. Just like in her world.

I am pulled out of the comfortable dream but I can't remember it this time.
I'm sitting on the ground. I'm wet and cold and tired as if I've walked miles. I think I did. It's not raining anymore. I feel around me but can't find that tree anymore. I feel resigned misery. I still can't see. I can't remember what happened. I'm not in the same spot although I don't know how I know that.
"Is anybody here?" I desperately say although I know the answer.
Not. A. Thing.
No response.
Only wind.
I get up and start walking.
The wind is deafening me. I cover my ears. I don't know where I'm going and don't really care. I'm not careful anymore and I trip often. The ground is uneven. Things are protruding from it. One of them catches my shin and I feel the spear of pain.
I fall to the ground and cradle my leg. I touch it and feel warm blood coming from the rip in my pants.
Wait. These are pants. Not pajamas. I was in my bed when this all started.
Nothing make sense here.
Why am I having all of these blind spots in my memory? What's happening here? This is not normal.
I think about the wetlands and the wonderful peaceful feeling in the dream compared to the despair I feel in my blind world.
What if it wasn't a dream?

I'm inside the building now. My eyes adjust to the darkness and I see the top of somebody's head in a rocking chair. He's leisurely rocking himself back and forth and after few seconds stops and looks around.
It's an older gentleman with a kind smile. I smile back at him.
"I'm glad you're here" he says.
"I am too" I reply.
"We are very thankful that you took on this burden. Not many would make the sacrifice of watching themselves suffer."
He looks at me with a worried look.
"Are you okay? How are you?"
I smile back at him and search my feelings for an honest answer.
"I feel wonderful" I say. "But she's struggling. I wish I could help her somehow."
"That's not possible, I'm afraid" he says. "It's part of the deal."
"Yes" I say with a sigh. "I know."
"But" he adds "that is a good sign. That you feel for her. It means we made the right choice with you."
He walks up to me and gently grabs my hands "You're a good person."
Tears gather in my eyes as I'm feeling happy and guilty at the same time.
"I won't disappoint you."
He smiles and nods. "I'll see you around." He gives me a brief hug and holds the door open for me.
"Thank you" I answer and walk out.
The gentle colors of the outside take a moment to get used to.
I push myself forward. This time I'm flying fast. It's time to get on with my assignment.
For a moment I let my mind enter hers again and I feel such sadness for her. "I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do."

I hear it. I hear the voice. It sounds very much like my own but yet different.
I don't know where the hell I am again. It feels like hours have passed and I have no recollection of them but it's warm now so I assume that it's daytime. I'm still walking and I still haven't encountered anything on my way. It's like I'm in a wasteland of nothingness. Well, not entirely nothingness. If it was nothingness, I wouldn't be tripping so often. For some reason I feel lonelier. Like something essential inside me is missing.
Being blind is now enraging me. How am I supposed to figure this out if I can't see where I am?
And that voice. I feel that the voice is responsible for whatever is happening to me.
I stop.
This is not normal.
This is not natural.
So I need to finally treat it for what it is and FIGHT IT in the same way. I want my miserable flawed life back!
I need to find my way to this voice and demand to be restored. Yes. Restored because I'm broken.
Obviously walking will not get me there. The voice was in my head so I need to get into my head.
I sit down and collect myself. I blacked out every time after coming back from the dream. The trick is to stay myself while I'm there.
It doesn't matter whether I close my eyes or not but I do anyway. Something about this action calms me down. I focus myself on the calm feeling. I start to faintly feel the warmth of the power but I resist. I continue to fall deeper into the sepia world but instinctively stay away from the power source.

It worked. I'm here. And I'm looking at myself. This is strange. First, she's surprised, then she's terrified or angry I don't know. What matters is that I can see now and wherever I am, my answers are here and she will give them to me.
"I can hear you" she says. Her face is now calm and serene. "I'm sorry but I can't help you. You can't be here. You need to go back."
This I will not accept.
"It is not up to you" she adds.
We'll see about that.
"I am not joking. You cannot be here" she says sternly but patiently as if to a child.
I lunge at her suddenly filled with rage. This is very much against my character. I do not remember ever feeling such strong rage but I don't care. Somehow I know that she's the reason and she's the answer. She will fix me.
"I can't" she says as she floats away from my raised fist.
"STOP READING MY MIND" I scream at her. It's unfair. I can't read hers. How can I get to her if she can read my every move?
"You need to leave now" she says from above me.
This is not an even fight.
Wait. What if...
I bet if I try I can too.
I smile wickedly as I brace myself for what I'm about to do.
Her calm facade disappears.
"NO! You do not know the consequences! You must not!"
I don't care what she thinks.
I gather the power inside me and just like she did for the first time, I watch it light up between my clenched fingers.
"You give me my answers or I will release this energy in your direction." I'm the calm talking now.
She considers this for a moment.
"Well, I guess it is of no consequence if I tell you or not." I wait patiently with the power concentrated in my hand as she looks around as if for an easy way out of this mess. Oh, no, my dear. We're in this together. "You stay here and tell me EVERYTHING!"
She laughs now. "You do not know what you speak of. You will not understand EVERYTHING as there are some things humans will never grasp."
"Humans? Then what are you?" I prompt her.
"Simply put, I'm purified you and you're the..." She's suddenly speechless and unable to finish.
"I AM WHAT?" I scream at her. I'm face to face with her now. I don't even remember making the effort to float but apparently it's as easy to me as it is to her.
She looks alarmed. I don't think she anticipated that my powers in this realm will equal hers.
Well, I'm you, my dear Purified Me, get used to it.
"What am I?" I restrain my voice.
She gathers her thoughts and floats a little away from me as if anticipating a violent reaction.
"I have been chosen for a mission of great importance" She finally says. "I accepted it knowing the consequences of what had to be done to prepare me for it."
She slowly floats around me now. If she were walking on the ground, she'd be pacing.
"You are the byproduct of the purification process." This she said looking me straight in the eyes.
"You are a culmination of my weaknesses, fears and unwanted feelings. And for as long as my mission continues, you need to remain lost in the blind realm so that I can be stronger. Once mission is completed, we will be given our life back. We will be one again and we'll come back to Earth to live out the rest of our life. That is the only way. I'm sorry. I wish there was a way to make it easier for you but there isn't. Know that I feel deeply for you as you are a part of me and I mourn for your despair but you need to go back so that I can finish what I need to do here."
I'm momentarily too confused to respond.
I don't respond. I react.
I unleash my power on her with no warning. She notices it at the last moment and opens up her own power. When our energies touch the blast dissolves into a warm mist that surrounds us and then we are suddenly being pulled towards each other. She's struggling against the pull with a terrified look on her face. I know what's happening. We are undoing what was done. We are going to become one again. I win!

It's done. I'm whole. She's in me.
I was afraid that the merge would make me unable to carry out the mission but it actually made me stronger. This is better.
I'm content again.
"You are ready now" the old man's voice sounds behind me.
I look behind me to see his kind face.
"I don't understand" I say. "I was told that we could not be one."
"That was the last step. Ridding yourself of your fears and weaknesses would not guarantee that they would not come back later. You had to learn to find your strength when in despair. Remember it well. In your mission you will have to fight battles of your own mind as well. Use that same strength and you shall succeed."
"Thank you."
I smile. The process is complete. I am taken by the power inside me towards the light above.
I am given wings.
I am ready to save the world.

*** I hope you enjoyed it :) I'm not finished editing it but I will welcome any comments ***


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