I found the missing piece!
Throughout my life, there was one constant. I can’t imagine what my life could have become if not for it. Seriously, I can’t. Every good memory I have is in some or other way linked to it. And each one of those memories are purely good. Not, good with a touch of “but then this happened.” Good from the beginning to the end. It was such a strong presence in my life for so many years and somehow, in the last decade or more, I allowed myself to put it in the corner to gather dust (literally). So, here’s the reveal. It's all about guitar. My mom had proper classical guitar lessons when she was a kid. She didn’t play as an adult anymore but she kept the book she used in the lessons. And she still had her old guitar. I was about 11 when I found the book and took it for a spin. The rest is history. Oh, but what a history it was. Here’s the thing about me. I don’t make friends easily. It usually takes people a while to like me. They have to get to know me w...